Sunday, July 26, 2009

This isn't really a blog. It's a 'conversation page', an easy way to talk about the cinema-based art work 'Ken Dryden', by Canadian artist Clive Holden. We want to know about how it makes you think or feel. Please use the comment functions below.

Among other things, the on-going Utopia Suite project (2006 to 2012) is an experiment in 'conversation-based art'. To-date, most of these conversations have taken place in galleries, cinemas and one-on-one. Plus, it's our belief that art is a conversation between artist and viewer/audience. But this page is part of an on-going attempt to broaden the conversation beyond traditional walls.

We've decided on this format for several reasons: you don't need to be a member of anything so everyone's included; it's free and very easy to use; and the conversation can be moderated. Clive will be the moderator, so you don't have to worry about especially rude responses to any of your comments, and he'll join in where necessary or if asked questions.